Browsing MERCon - 2016 by Author "Panchendrarajan, R"

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  • Prakhash, S; Nazick, A; Panchendrarajan, R; Brunthavan, M; Ranathunga, S; Pemasiri, A [Conference-Full-text]
    There are many aspects such as food, service, and ambience that a customer would look for, when deciding on a restaurant to dine in. Among these aspects, the type of food it sells and the food quality are the most ...
  • Panchendrarajan, R; Murugaiah, B; Prakhash, S; Ahamed, MNN; Ranathunga, S; Pemasiri, A [Conference-Full-text]
    In aspect-level opinion mining, each aspect is assigned a rating based on customer reviews. More often than not, these aspects exhibit a hierarchical relationship, and the restaurant domain is no difference. With the ...