15 INVESTIGATION OF TENSILE PROPERTIES AND DURABILITY OF COIR FIBRES/GEOTEXTILES This thesis was submitted to the Department of Textile and Clothing Technology of the University of Moratuwa in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Department of Textile and Clothing Technology University of Moratuwa D. S. K. PATHIRANA Sri Lanka 6 7 7 . 1 8 . o n - 4 May 2004 UH To so--" c©!J . University of Moratuwa "I certify that this thesis does not incorporate any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university and to the best of my knowledge and belief it does not contain any material previously published or orally communicated by another person except where due reference is made in the text." D.S.K.Pathirana (Candidate) "To the best of our knowledge the above particulars are correct." iiv - Dr. Nirmali de Silva Dr. U.S.W. Gunasekera (Co-Supervisor) (Co-Supervisor) II ABSTRACT Coir is a ligno-cellulosic fibre, cheap and abundantly available in Sri Lanka as a by­ product of the coconut industry. Coir-geotextiles, which are manufactured from coir, have been identified as good geotextile material to be used for soil reinforcement in soil erosion problems until sustainable vegetation is established. Because of this reason coir based geotextiles have the potential to be an exportable product. It has become necessary to scientifically study the properties of coir fibres and coir-geotextiles in great detail to meet the suitability requirements of the export market as well as the local market. Mechanical and physical properties including tensile properties, initial modulus, length, mass and diameter of brown and white coir fibre obtained from Kurunegala District have been used in the evaluation. Moisture absorption characteristics of coir fibres were also evaluated. Results show that there is a direct relationship between the length and tenacity as well as extension at break of retted brown coir fibre. This relationship is not significant in unretted white coir fibre, which is a longer fibre with a higher in tenacity and extension at break. Wet tensile strength and wet extension at break of coir fibres were found to be greater than the tensile strength in the conditioned state. In seawater immersion, coir fibres did not lose strength after 24 hours at room temperature. During a 24 hours period coir fibres did not lose strength significantly in the pH 5-9 range at ambient temperature. At different NaOH concentrations and different time periods at 25°C, coir fibres were immersed in alkaline medium to find out whether the strength was affected. After 30min in 10 % NaOH brown coir showed highest strength but white coir fibre showed highest strength in 25% NaOH concentration after 30min immersion. It was attempted to apply the idealized staple fibre yarn model to coir yarns. For this purpose coir-yarn initial modulus was calculated using results of strength tests for coir III fibres and coir yarns. Calculated initial modulus is greater than experimentally obtain results but deviate considerably from the actual situvation. The durability of coir fibres was investigated by immersing in distilled water, acid medium, alkaline medium and saline solution at ambient temperature over a period of time and the results showed that brown coir fibre and white coir fibre had similar losses in strength in acidic medium after 3 months. White coir fibre lost strength significantly after 3 months in distilled water (pH=5.89) treatment. But both coir fibres do not lose strength significantly during 3 months time in alkaline medium or saline water. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis of selected treated coir fibres was carried out to investigate the effect on surface structure of fibres. This analysis explained the results of tensile strength tests between brown and white coir fibres and untreated and treated conditions. IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My heartfelt gratitude goes to the two supervisors Dr. Nirmali de Silva and Dr. U.S.W. Gunasekera for their guidance, encouragement and assistance given in numerous ways throughout the research project. Also special thanks go to Prof. Lakdas D. Fernando and Dr. W.D.G. Lanarolle for the valuable contributions and suggestions made in progress review committees, which were useful to make this research project a success. I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all the staff members of the Department of Textile and Clothing Technology who helped me in various ways to complete this research successfully and especially to the Technical Officers Mrs. D. Dissanayake, Mrs. P. Wanniarachchi, Mr. CP. Malalanayake and Lab Attendant Mr. W.Chandradasa for their support in supplying all the necessary material whenever necessary. I thank the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department of University of Moratuwa who allowed me to use their Incline Plane Tester for my research work. I also thank the Head of the Material Department of Industrial Technology Institute for giving me permission to use their Scanning Electron Microscope. Special mention goes to Mr. N.S.Nawarathna, who gave me suggestions and necessary help at the introductory stages and also to my fellow researcher Mrs. K.P.N. Gunarathna who was a big helping hand throughout. Finally I wish to thank the Asian Development Bank, Science and Technology Personnel Development Project for the funding my research project leading to Masters Degree. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT HI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT V 1 CHAPTER ONE - Introduction and Literature Review 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Literature Review 3 1.2.1 Geotextiles 3 1.2.2 Early Applications of Geotextiles 3 1.2.3 Types of Geotextiles 4 Woven Geotextiles 5 Non-Woven Geotextiles 6 Knitted Geotextiles 7 1.2.4 Coir Fibre 8 1.2.5 Crystalline and Non-Crystalline 9 1.2.6 Cell Wall Constituents 9 Cellulose 10 Hemi-Cellulose 10 Lignin 11 1.2.7 The Cell Wall Structure of Lignocellulose Fibre 11 1.2.8 Comparison of Coir fibre with Other Cellulosic Textile Fibres 12 1.3 Objective 15 1.4 Scope 15 2 CHAPTER TWO - Materials and Methods 17 2.1 Production of Woven Coir-Geotextiles 17 2.2 Materials 17 2.2.1 Coir Fibre Sampling Method 17 2.2.2 Coir Yarn Sampling Method 19 2.2.3 Chemicals Used in the Experiments 19 2.3 Methods 20 2.3.1 Method Used for Coir Fibre Tensile Properties Testing 20 2.3.2 Wet Strength and Wet Elongation at Break of Coir Fibre 20 2.3.3 Strength Retention of Coir Fibre in Seawater 20 2.3.4 Strength of Coir Fibre in Different pH Buffer Environments 20 2.3.5 Moisture Regain of Coir fibres 21 2.3.6 Behaviour of Coir Fibres in NaOH 21 2.3.7 Coefficient of Friction of Coir Fibres 22 2.3.8 Tensile Properties of Coir Yarns 22 2.3.9 Twist of Coir Yarns 22 2.3.10 Linear Density of Coir Yarns 22 2.3.11 Durability of Coir Fibre in Different Chemical Environments 22 2.3.12 Microstructure of Coir Fibre 23 3 CHAPTER THREE - Results and Discussion 24 VI 3.1 Physical Properties o f Coir Fibre 2 4 3.1.1 Length and Fineness o f Coir Fibres 24 3 .1 .1 .1 Length 2 4 3 .1 .1 .2 F ineness 25 3 .1 .1 .3 Length to Diameter Ratio 27 3 .1 .2 Strength o f Coir Fibre 28 3 .1 .3 Initial M o d u l u s o f Coir Fibre 3 0 3 . 1 . 4 Breaking Elongat ion o f Coir Fibre 3 0 3 .1 .5 Mois ture Regain o f Coir Fibre 32 3 .1 .6 Relat ionship be tween Fibre Length and Tens i l e Properties 33 3.2 Behav iour o f Coir Fibre in Different Environments 35 3.2.1 Comparison o f Wet and Condit ioned State Tens i l e Properties 35 3 .2 .2 Tens i l e Properties o f Coir Fibre in Seawater 36 3 .2 .3 Behav iour o f Coir Fibre under Different pH Condi t ions 37 3 .2 .4 Behav iour o f Coir Fibre in N a O H 3 9 3.3 Interrelations b e t w e e n the Structure and Properties o f Fibre and Yarn 4 0 3.3.1 Theoretical Ana lys i s o f Idealized Staple Fibre Yarn Mode l 41 3 .3 .2 Appl icat ion o f Theoretical Model to Coir Yarn 43 3 . 3 . 2 1 Coeff ic ient o f Friction o f Coir Fibre 43 3 . 3 . 2 . 2 Coir Yarn Tens i l e Properties 4 4 3 .3 .2 .3 Compar i son o f Theoretical and Measured Yarn modulus 45 3.4 Durability o f Biodegradable Geotext i l es 45 3.4.1 Chemica l Degradation o f Coir Fibre 4 6 3 .4 .1 .1 Durability o f Coir Fibre in Dist i l led Water 47 3 .4 .1 .2 Durabil ity o f Coir Fibre under Ac id ic Condi t ion 4 8 3 4 1 3 Durability o f Coir Fibre under Bas ic Condi t ion 4 9 3 .4 .1 .4 Durabil ity o f Coir Fibre in Seawater 4 9 3 .4 .2 Compar i son o f Durability Tests 50 3.5 Structural Properties o f Coir Fibres 52 3.5.1 Comparison o f Tens i le Results with S E M o f Coir Fibre 52 4 CHAPTER FOUR - Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Work 56 4 1 C o n c l u s i o n s 56 4.2 S u g g e s t i o n s for Future Work 58 REFERENCES 60 Annex-1: B r o w n Coir Fibres Tensile Properties 64 Annex-2: White Coir Fibres Tensile Properties 71 VII LIST OF FIGURES Page VIII Figure 1.1 A Woven Tape Geotextile 6 Figure 1.2 Highly Magnified View of a Non-Woven Geotextile 7 Figure 1.3 An Example of a Knitted Fabric 7 Figure 1.4: Cellulose Structure 10 Figure 1.5: Cell Wall Structure of Cellulose Fibre 11 Figure 1.6: Classification of Natural Vegetable Fibre According to Origin 12 Figure 1.7: Cell Wall Polymers Responsible for the Properties (approximate comparison) 14 Figure 2.1: Extraction Process of Coir Fibre 18 Figure 3.1: Variations in Length, Mass and Diameter of between Coir Fibres 26 Figure 3.2: Strength Variation of Coir Fibres 29 Figure 3.3: Stress-Strain Curve of Coir Fibre 30 Figure 3.4: Elongation Variation of Coir Fibres 31 Figure 3.5: Tenacity vs Length (Brown Fibre) 33 Figure 3.6: Elongation (%) vs Length (Brown Fibre) 33 Figure 3.7: Diameter vs Length (Brown Fibre) 33 Figure 3.8: Tenacity vs Length (White Fibre) 3 4 Figure 3.9: Elongation (%) vs Length (White Fibre) 34 Figure 3.10: Diameter vs Length (White Fibre) 34 Figure 3.11: Comparison between Conditioned and Wet state Tensile Properties 35 Figure 3.12: Comparison between Conditioned State and in Seawater Tensile Properties 36 Figure 3.13: Variation of Tenacity with pH of Brown and White Coir Fibres 3 8 Figure 3.14: Strength of NaOH Treated coir fibres (a) Brown (b) White at 25°C 39 Figure 3.15: Interrelations of Fibre, Yarn and Fabric Structure and Properties 41 Figure 3.16: Tenacity of Coir Fibre after Treatments (a) Brown (b) White 51 Figure 3.17: Elongation of Coir Fibres after Treatments (a) Brown (b) White 51 LIST OF TABLES IX Table 1.1: Chemical Composition of Cellulose Fibres 9 Table 2.1: Chemicals used to Prepare pH Solutions [33] 21 Table 3.1: Dimensional Properties & Mass of Coir Fibres 25 Table 3.2: Diameter of cellulose Fibres 27 Table 3.3. Strength and C V% of Coir Fibres 28 Table 3.4: Elongation (%) and CV% of Coir Fibres 31 Table 3.5: Moisture Regain of Coir Fibre (at 65%RH & 27°C) 32 Table 3.6: Tensile Properties under Standard and Wet States 35 Table 3.7: Tensile Properties under Standard State and in Seawater (pH=8) 36 Table 3.8: Some Typical Minerals and Fills and their Maximum pH Values in Soil 37 Table 3.9: Influence of pH on Coir Fibre at Ambient Temperature 38 Table 3.10: Behavior of Coir Fibre under NaOH at 25°C 39 Table 3.11: Fibre and Yarn Parameters 42 Table 3.12: Coefficient of Friction of Fibres 44 Table 3.13: Tensile Properties of Brown and White Coir Fibres 44 Table 3.14: Measured Tensile Properties of Coir Yarns 45 Table 3.15: Tensile Properties of Untreated Coir Fibre 47 Table 3.16: Tensile Properties after Distilled Water Treatment 48 Table 3.17: Tensile Properties after HC1 Treatment 48 Table 3.18: Tensile Properties after NaOH Treatment 49 Table 3.19: Tensile Properties after Seawater Treatment 50 Table 4.1: Summary of Tensile Properties of Coir Fibres-I 57 Table 4.2: Summary of Tensile Properties of Coir Fibres-II 57 Page LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS Page Photograph 1.1: Application of Coir-Geotextile in Erosion Control 2 Photograph 3.1: SEM Photographs of Coir Fibres (a) Cross-section (b) Transverse- section 52 Photograph 3.2: Brown Coir Fibre Surface 53 Photograph 3.3: White Coir Fibre Surface 53 Photograph 3.4: Brown Coir Fibre Surface-After HC1 Treatment for 3 months 55 Photograph 3.5: White Coir Fibre Surface-After Distilled Water Treatment for 3 months 55 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Scanning Electron Microscopy Coefficient of Variation International Standards Organisation British Standard Sri Lanka Standard American Association of Textile Chemists & Colourists XI