A STUDY OF IRRIGATION WATER USE FOR PADDY CULTIVATION IN THE DRY ZONE OF SRI LANKA MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY BY T.N. WICKRAMAARACHCHI DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF MORATUWA SRI LANKA SEPTEMBER 2002 LB/VO^/oi/oS A STUDY OF IRRIGATION WATER USE FOR PADDY CULTIVATION IN THE DRY ZONE OF SRI LANKA THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY MOVERS IT Y iii-"; 7 ;".;-.T.f>:; ll/if^ o > BY T.N. Wickramaarachchi 6 2 " " SUPERVISED BY Dr. N.T.S. Wijesekera CO-SUPERVISED BY Prof. D.C.H. Senarath Dr. N.P.D. Gamage o - - DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF MORATUWA ~?C> 8 SRI LANKA ZmSmm September 2002 76821 76821 DECLARATION I herewith declare that the work included in the thesis in part or whole, has not been submitted for any other academic qualification at any institution. !. °. .1.'. • . ^ ^ d ^ . ^ y . Date T.N. Wickramaarachchi Certified by ^ o . i l ^ T r . ^ ^ J ^ ^ : Date Profi D.C.H. Senarath Co-Supervisor i -4 V ABSTRACT Water is a scarce resource in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka and it is a major problem faced by the cultivators in the area. Since their cultivations totally depend on irrigation water, every possible effort should be put in order to optimize the water usage to achieve increased crop production. Recent reports on water management activities of several irrigation schemes in the Dry Zone indicates that the water distribution is not meeting the demands of farmers in terms of adequacy, reliability & timeliness. Further it was said that there is considerable potential to increase paddy yield in this system through improved irrigation water management, especially by efficient irrigation scheduling. Following four study areas in the Dry & Intermediate Zones were selected from different irrigation schemes authorized by the different organizations. i) Block 404 & 406 of Mahaweli system H ii) Track 1 of Rajangana Irrigation scheme iii) Ridi Bendi Ela irrigation scheme The strengths and weaknesses of the presently adopted water allocations by the above schemes were identified. Further, the cultivation practices and present water usage in three irrigation schemes were compared. The irrigation requirements according to the Irrigation Department guideline recommendations were computed for each scheme using a spread sheet model and compared with present water usage in three schemes to find out optimum solutions for irrigation water use for paddy cultivation. The comparative analysis revealed that the practices adopted in issuing water in each scheme differ resulting disparity in water usage, farmers' satisfaction on water issues and paddy yield. Considering the above comparisons, the recommendations for water issues during both land preparation & crop growth in paddy cultivation were presented pertaining to the most appropriate date of commencement and duration of the land preparation, the variation of depth of water application and frequency of irrigation during different growth stages of paddy with possible water saving techniques incorporating farmer needs. The optimum quantity of water requirement for the land preparation with maximum utilization of rainfall, most favorable quantity of water to meet the crop water requirement at different growth stages of paddy and the selection of best canal grouping to optimize the water distribution were also presented in the study. i- 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The immense credibility of a thesis does not totally lie on the person who carried it out. It should go on to all those who guided and supported being at researcher's periphery. First, I would forward my heartiest gratitude to Dr. N.T.S. Wijesekera for his continuous supervision, encouragement and valuable advices throughout the study. His contribution to this research is massive even though he was out of the country. My sincere gratitude is also forwarded to Prof. D.C.H. Senarath and Dr. N.P.D. Gamage for their guidance, supervision and valuable advices, which encouraged the research to a success. I also convey my gratitude to Prof. S.S.L. Hettiarachchi for his wonderful encouragement given throughout the study. My special thank goes to the Asian Development Bank Scholarship Programme and postgraduate studies division of University of Moratuwa for providing funds and facilities for the study. The assistance rendered by Mr. S.A.P. Samarasinghe - Director IMD, Department of irrigation, Mr. Sellahewa & Miss. L.V.P.N. Jayawardena of MASL, Mr. Lalith de Alwis of Department of Irrigation - Rajangana and Mr. W.A.C.K. Weerasekera of Ridi Bendi Ela Irrigation Scheme, in collecting data and arranging several field visits is invaluable. I am grateful to Mr. H.K.W. Kumarasinghe of Hydraulic Engineering laboratory for his support in providing computer facilities at short notice. I owe much to my parents for paving the path of my education. Dishmi, Bhathi and Sriyani are fondly appreciated for their friendship and assistance. iii Declaration i Abstract ii Acknowledgement iii Table of Contents iv List of Tables viii List of Figures x List of Abbreviations xi List of Notations xii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 1.1 General 1.2 Back ground to the study 1.2.1 Problems encountered in irrigation water management in the Dry Zone 3 1.2.2 Selection of study areas 3 1.2.3 Present irrigation water management Block 404 & 406 in Mahaweli system H 4 Ridi Bendi Ela Irrigation Scheme 8 Rajangana Irrigation Scheme 10 1.3 Objective of the study 1.3.1 Overall objective 12 1.3.2 Specific objectives 12 1.4 Scope of work & layout of the report 1.4.1 Scope of work 13 1.4.2 Layout of the report 14 2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Water Scarcity & Irrigation in the Dry Zone 15 2.2 Water Management Practices for Paddy Cultivation 15 2.3 LP in Paddy Cultivation 17 2.4 Water management at Different Growth Stages of Paddy 17 2.4.1 Water Requirements at Different Growth Stages of Paddy 18 2.5 Paddy Root Growth 19 2.6 Rainfall 2.6.1 Actual rainfall & Probable rainfall 19 2.6.2 Effective Rainfall 19 iv 2.7 Determination of Irrigation Requirement for Paddy Cultivation 20 2.8 Water Losses 2.8.1 Evaporation Loss 21 2.8.2 Percolation & Seepage 21 2.8.3 Conveyance Loss 22 2.9 Effect of Water Shortage to Paddy Yield 22 2.10 Water Efficient Irrigation Techniques suggested for Paddy Cultivation 23 3.0 Methodology adopted for the study 3.1 General 24 3.2 Data Collection 24 3.2.1 Methods of Data Collection 24 3.3 Data Analysis 25 4.0 Data Collection 4.1 Block 404 & 406 in Mahaweli System H 26 4.1.1 Climatic Data Rainfall 26 Evaporation 28 Reference Crop Evapotranspiration 28 4.1.2 Crop Data 29 Area Cultivated 29 Types of Paddy 30 Paddy Yield 31 Crop Coefficients 31 4.1.3 Water Issue Data Rotation Intervals & Water Issue Schedules 31 Actual & Planned Water Issues 35 4.1.4 Canal Details 38 4.1.5 Soil Types 42 4.1.6 Field Visits 42' 4.1.7 Farmer Interviews 43 4.2 Ridi Bendi Ela Irrigation Scheme 46 4.2.1 Climatic Data 46 4.2.2 Crop Data 47 4.2.3 Water Issue Data 48 4.2.4 Canal Details 49 4.2.5 Soil Types 51 4.2.6 Field Visits 51 4.2.7 Farmer Interviews 52 v 4.3 Rajangana Irrigation Scheme 53 4.3.1 Climatic Data 53 4.3.2 Crop Data 54 4.3.3 Water Issue Data 55 4.3.4 Canal Details 55 4.3.5 Soil Types 57 4.3.6 Field Visits 57 4.3.7 Farmer Interviews 57 5.0 Analysis & Results 5.1 Cultivation & Present Water Distribution System 5.1.1 Block 404 & 406 in Mahaweli System H 59 5.1.2 Ridi Bendi Ela Irrigation Scheme 60 5.1.3 Rajangana Irrigation Scheme 60 5.2 Determination of Irrigation Requirements using ID Guidelines 61 5.2.1 Land Preparation water requirement 62 5.2.2 Crop Water Requirement 62 5.2.3 Irrigation Duty 62 5.3 Sensitivity Analysis 64 5.3.1 Sensitivity Check on Reference Crop Evapotranspiration (ETo) 64 5.3.2 Sensitivity Check on Application Efficiency (Ea) 65 5.3.3 Sensitivity Check on Conveyance Efficiency (Ec) 65 5.3.4 Sensitivity Check on Effective rainfall 66 5.4 Land Preparation Water Requirement according to Soil Testing 67 5.5 Frequency of Irrigation 68 5.6 Comparative analysis of Irrigation Issues 69 5.7 Rescheduling of Water Issues with Canal Grouping 72 5.8 Recommendations for Irrigation Water Issues 73 6.0 Discussion 6.1 Land Preparation 6.1.1 Depth of Application 76 6.1.2 Commencement & Duration of LP 76 6.2 Crop Growth 6.2.1 Depth of Application 77 6.2.2 Duration & Frequency of Irrigation 78 6.2.3 Termination of Water Issues 78 6.3 Optimum Water Distribution 79 vi 6.4 Efficiencies 6.5 Sensitivity Analysis 7.0 Conclusions 8.0 Future Studies List of References Annexes j - vii List of Tables Table 4.1 Monthly Total rainfall in mm - Thambuttegama Table 4.2 Monthly Evaporation (mm/month) - Kalawewa Table 4.3 Monthly ETo (mm/month) - Anuradhapura Table 4.4 Total cultivated areas in Block 404 & 406 (ha) Table 4.5 Seasonal Variation of Paddy Varieties - Block 404 & 406 Table 4.6 Kc values at different growth stages Table 4.7 Present Water Distribution Pattern in Block D2/404 During the Growth Stages in Maha Season Table 4.8 Present Water Distribution Pattern in Block D1/406 During the Growth Stages in Maha Season Table 4.9 Actual & Planned Irrigation Duty in D1/404, D2/404 & D1/406 Table 4.10 Results of the Soil Testing - Block 404 & 406 Table 4.11 Summary of the Questionnaire Survey in Block 404 Table 4.12 Summary of the Questionnaire Survey in Block 406 Table 4.13 Monthly total rainfall in mm - Ridi Bendi Ela Table 4.14 Monthly Evaporation (mm/month) - Batalagoda Table 4.15 Monthly ETo (mm/month) - Batalagoda Table 4.16 Seasonal Variation of Paddy Varieties - Ridi Bendi Ela Table 4.17 Rotation interval in canals - Ridi Bendi Ela Table 4.18 Total Irrigation Duty at each FO area - Ridi Bendi Ela Table 4.19 Summary of the questionnaire survey at Ridi Bendi Ela scheme Table 4.20 Monthly total rainfall in mm - Rajangana Table 4.21 Monthly Evaporation (mm/month) - Nachchaduwa Table 4.22 Seasonal Variation of Paddy Varieties - Rajangana Table 4.23 Total Irrigation Duty at each season - Rajangana Table 4.24 Summary of the questionnaire survey at Rajangana scheme Table 5.1 Summary of the Total Irrigation Duty Table 5.2 FIR at Different Growth Stages of Paddy (in mm) Table 5.3 Summary of the Total Irrigation Duty according to ID Guide lines Table 5.4 Evaluated sensitivity of ETo Table 5.5 Evaluated sensitivity of Ea via 4 Table 5.6 Table 5.7 Table 5.8 Table 5.9 Table 5.10 V Evaluated sensitivity of Ec Evaluated sensitivity of Effective Rainfall Depth of water required for saturation Total LPWR for Block 404 & 406 (in mm) Depth of Applications for Block 404 & 406 List of Figures Figure 1.1 Locations of Mahaweli Systems Figure 1.2 Mahaweli System H Figure 1.3 Sub Systems of Mahaweli System H Figure 1.4 Ridi Bendi Ela Scheme Figure 1.5 Rajangana Irrigation Scheme Figure 4.1 Monthly total rainfall in mm - Thambuttegama Figure 4.2 Annual rainfall in mm - Thambuttegama Figure 4.3 Monthly Evaporation (mm/month) - Kalawewa Figure 4.4 Monthly ETo (mm/month) - Anuradhapura Figure 4.5 Actual & Planned Irrigation Duty in Dl/404 Figure 4.6 Actual & Planned Irrigation Duty in D2/404 Figure 4.7 Actual & Planned Irrigation Duty in D1/406 Figure 4.8 Canal Network Diagram for Dl/404 Figure 4.9 Canal Network Diagram for D2/404 Figure 4.10 Canal Network Diagram for D1 /406 Figure 4.11 Average Monthly Rainfall, Evaporation & ETo (mm/month) - Ridi Bendi Ela Figure 4.12 Distribution Net Work of Ridi Bendi Ela Scheme Figure 4.13 Average Monthly Rainfall, Evaporation & ETo (mm/month) - Rajangana Figure 4.14 Canal Net Work System in RB Track 1 of Rajangana scheme Figure 5.1 Variation of Crop Water Requirement during the Growth Stages x List of Abbreviations AO - Agricultural Officer BIE - Block Irrigation Engineer D canal - Distributary canal DRPM - Deputy Resident Project Manager D1/406 - Dl Distributary canal in Block 406 D1/404 - Dl Distributary canal in Block 404 D2/404 - D2 Distributary canal in Block 404 Ea - Application Efficiency Ec - Conveyance Efficiency ET C - Crop Water Requirement ETo - Reference Crop Evapotranspiration FAO - Food & Agricultural Organization FC canal - Field canal FIR - Field Irrigation Requirement FO - Farmer Organization ID - Irrigation Duty ID Guideline - Irrigation Department Guideline IE - Irrigation Engineer IMD - Irrigation Management Division IWMI - International Water Management Institute LB - Left Bank LHG - Low Humic Gley LP - Land Preparation L P S T - Land Preparation Water Requirement LPIR - Land Preparation Irrigation Requirement LPWR - Land Preparation Water Requirement MASL - Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka RB - Right Bank RBE - Reddish Brown Earth RPM - Resident Project Manager xi List of Notations MCM = million cubic meters 1 cusec = 28.3 1/s xn