"ART IS T H E IMITATION OF N A T U R E I N H E R M A N N E R OF OPERATION" An examination of the implications of the above statement in Architecture. cjo"s>a))(§cs The Dissertation presented to the faculty o f Architecture o f University o f Moratuwa.Sii Lanka, for the final Examination in M.Sc.(Architecture) June, 1997. 7 2 t(en'* -y 2 . o i C O N T E N T S Page ACKNOWLEDGMENT I ABSTRACT II INTRODUCTION 1 a) Topic Explanation b) Intention of the study c) Methodology d) Scope and Limitations CHAPTER O N E 3 l.Architecture and its Determinants 1.1 Socio cultural Determinants 3 1.1.1 Religion 3 1.1.2 Mydis 6 1.1.3 Cultures 8 1.2 Physical Determinants 11 1.2.1 Climate 11 1.2.2 Function 12 1.2.3 Nature 14 CHAPTER TWO 17 2. Nature and Architecture 2.1 Nature as a Determinant 18 2.1.1 Western attitude to nature 20 2.1.2 Eastern attitude to nature 21 2.2 Aesthetic aspects of nature 23 2.2.1 Visual aspects 26 2.2.2 Symbolic aspects 28 2.3 The attributes of nature 30 2.3.1 Volume 30 2.3.2 Scale and Proportion 32 2.3.3 Balance 33 2.3.4 Rhythm 35 2.3.5 Hierarchy 38 2.3.6 Transformation _ 39 C H A P T E R T H R E E 41 3. Nature , the manner of operation 3.1 The manner o f operation 41 3.1.1 Creation 41 3.1.2 Composit ion 44 3.1.3 Experience 46 3.2 Architecture in imitat ion nature in her manner of operation. Case studies: 47 3.2.1 Arizona in Talcsian West 47 Creation 48 Composit ion 50 Experience 50 3.2.2 Falling Water 53 Creation 53 Composition] 55 Experience 56 3.2.3 Kandalama Hotel at Kandalama Creation Composition! Experience 3.2.4 Integral Education at Pilipndala Creation Composition Experience 3.2.5 Triton Hotel at Ahungalla Creation Composition Experience CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Let me record here my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one mentioned below for their help to make this dissertation success. To Archt:Vidura Sri Nammuni, Senior lecturer Department of Architecture, Who gave me a freedom to pursue a different subject area with his comments and criticisms which immensely to built up confidence. To Professor:Nimal De Silva who was generous in maiding constructive comments and suggestions. To Archt: Vijitha Basnayaka and Kapila Darmesena for thoughtful arrangement of subject matter and guidance in numerous way. To Archt:Geffery Bawa's office staff and Archt:Channa Daswaththa who gave me their valuable time to conversation about some case studies in dissertation. To Keerthi for his patient help encouragement given, sharing of hard work and of course finding me with relevant books. To my friends Srinika,Roshini,Priyani, Champa.Nalaka and Upul malli to giving their valuable time to sharing my works. To uncles Dharmasena ,Senasinghc and Aunt Leela to their kind helps given. At last but not least I am heardy thankful to my parents ,and family members for kindly making silent assistance. Finally to nature die source of inspired me in writing this. 1 "Imitation of nature should mean understanding and imitating the laws of nature, not its form" Anthony C. Antoniades (1992 :P 248) ABSTRACT It is only a question of opening our eyes to the extra ordinary world around us. Nature has been lavish in good design. It is therefore us to see, exposed in full mew, within our reach at all times, without even movingfrom where we are." Paul Jacques Grillio (1960: p9) So many channels in the world give way to design buildings in harmony within nature most of the design buildings do not go hand in hand with nature. The main problem is, when designing the "essence" of nature has not been captured in architecture. Everything is created according to the principles of nature. So, why should it not happen in die architectural world ? This phenomena can be understood by making it exposed full view to the surrounding environment, fauna and flora. That is the main channel that would direct us to the correct path. Man interpreted diis inspiration as an intelligent understanding of nature radicr than a perceptible understanding of it. Those experience studies of surrounding environment give way to create architecture in harmony with nature, widi out simply having superficial imitation.. Tliis indicates the observation which was made by Ananada . K . Coomaraswamy in "Traditional Art and Symbolism". Aft imitates nature in her manner of operation that statement can be implied to architecture to understand die trudi of the design with nature.