CORE OF HOME A N E L E M E N T A R Y A N A L Y S I S W I T H S P E C I A L R E F E R E N C E S T O T H E I N T E R A C T A B L E S P A C E S I N S P O N T A N E O U S U R B A N H O U S I N G S E T T L E M E N T S . » © 3 0 ^ £ ) Besses. § <8»»ai Dissertation presented to the Department of Architecture University of Moratuwa,Sri Lanka, For the M sc (architecture) final examination 1998 and to the Royal Institute of British Architects for the R.I B A (part II) examination. 162 c a l l * 72 96 708.1 M. LILANTHA R. WIJAYAPALA 6 9 3 6 2 C O N T E N T S page# A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T 001 INTRODUCTION 002 A B S T R A C T 008 C H A P T E R O N E - T H E INTIMATE HOME CHARACTERIST ICS O F S P O N T A N E O U S U R B A N HOUSING S E T T L E M E N T S AND THEIR INTERACTABLE SPACE. 011 (35200 words) 1 1 HOUSING SETTLEMENTS AS A GREATER NEED FOR HUMAN SERVIVAL. 011 1.1.1 Basic human needs and shelter 011 1.1.2 Housing as the developed shelter; a greater need of home making 012 1.1.3 Home as the dwellers'intimate perception 014 1.1.4 Housing as a need of variable characteristics 016 1.2 SPONTANEOUS URBAN HOUSING SETTLEMENTS. 018 1.2.1 The Origin. 018 1.2.2 The general structure in settlements. 020 a) Ecological 020 b) Sociological 021 1.2.3 Spatial elements of a settlement 023 a) House as a basic spatial enwrap 024 b) Community space as a manifestation of social interaction 025 1 2 3 Characteristical variations in spontaneous housing settlements 026 1.3 INTERACTABLE SPACE 028 1 3.1 Interaction as a significant exertion in a community settlement. / 028 1.3.2 Utilization levels of interaction 030 1.3.3 Interactable space as an architectural manifestation 032 1.4 SPONTANEOUS URBAN HOUSING SETTLEMENT AS A SYMBOL O F A HUMAN EXISTENCE 036 C H A P T E R T W O - T H E LOST HOME HOMELESSNESS A S A N ISSUE IN R E G E N A R T E D HOUSING FOR T H E POOR 039 (2425 words) 2.1 CAUSATIVE FACTORS OF SETTLEMENT DEGRADATION AND THE NEED FOR BETTERMENT 039 2.1.1 Causative factors of degradation 039 a) Overcrowding 039 b) Land renovation 041 c) Urban renewal 042 2.1.2 The need for settlement betterment as a variable issue 043 2.2 ADAPTATIONS IN SETTLEMENT BETTERMENT AS A CONCEPT O F REGENERATION 045 2.2.1 Adaptations for betterment 045 a) On site housing 045 b) Relocation 046 c) Land invasion 047 2.2.2 The adaptations as a concept of regeneration 047 2.3 HOMELESSNESS IN REGENERATED HOUSING 050 2.3.1 The impact of regenerated housing on the preceptors of home 050 a) The centre 050 b) The enclosure 051 c) The continuation 052 2.3.2 Homelessness as an impact on mans existential Foothold 053 2.3.3 The enigma in adaptations as a directive of home making 056 C H A P T E R T H R E E - IN S E A R C H OF H O M E INTERACTAB L E S P A C E S IN SELECTED S P O N T A N E O U S U R B A N HOUSING SETTLEMENTS 0 5 8 (3575 words) 3.1 PREAMBLE 0 5 8 3 2 CASE STUDIES 060 3.2.1 Navagampura 19 t h Lane 060 [a] Ecological schemata 060 [b] Sociological schemata 062 [c] Schematic adaptations 064 i) Family realm 065 ii) Visitors realm 069 iii) Public realm 070 3.2.2 Wanathamulla 072 [a] Ecological schemata 072 [b] Sociological schemata 074 [c] Schematic adaptations 077 i) Family realm 077 ii) Visitors realm 079 iii) Public realm 081 3.2.3 Panchikawatte 082 [a] Ecological schemata 082 [b] Sociological schemata 084 [c] Schematic adaptations 087 i) Family realm 087 ii) Visitors realm 090 iii) Public realm 093 C H A P T E R FOUR- THE CO RE O F H O M E INTERACTABLE S P A C E AS AN E L E M E N T O F HOME IN U R B A N POOR HOUSING 096 (3930words ) 4.2 CHARACTERISTICAL ANALYSIS OF INTERACTABLE SPACES 096 4.1.1 Family realm 096 4.1.2 Visitor Realm 101 4.1.3 Public realm 103 4.2 INTERACTABLE SPACE AS AN ELEMENT OF HOME 105 4.2.1 Interactable space as a Centre 105 4.2.2 Interactable space as a Continuation 112 4.2.3 Interactable space as an Enclosure 118 4.3 INTERACTABLE SPACE AS A UNIQUE ELEMENT IN T H E C O R E OF HOME 125 C O N C L U S I O N 130 BIBL IOGRAPHY 132 LIST O F ILLUSTRATIONS page# 0 0 1 . Man and shelter 013 002. Human body and architecture 015 003. Centre, enclosure, continuation of a space 016 004. Ancient Sri Lankan Settlements 018 005. Pollution and meager education 021 006. Elements off a community settlement 023 007. Activities under a tree 026 008. Interaction; a communal exertion 028 009. People share primary resources 029 010. Co-Centric zones interaction 031 0 1 1 . Levels of interaction in a settlement 031 012. Textures of light and shade 034 013. Sense of scale 035 014. Scale 035 015. Proportion 035 016. House as a symbolic interpretation 036 017. A symbolical settlement 038 018. Overcrowded settlement 0 3 9 019. psychological stimulation of overcrowding 0 4 0 020. Incompatible context 041 0 2 1 . Negative response to nature 042 022. Urban Renewal 0 4 3 023. A blunder solution for housing 048 024. Lack of reference as a centre 050 025. A different atmosphere 051 026. The directional planes 052 027. Lack of continuation 053 028. Under- utilized spaces 053 029. Homes; a future requirement 057 030. Spontaneous settlements 0 5 8 0 3 1 . Navagampura 060 032. Regenerated scheme at Navagampura 062 033. Extension of family realm 065 034. Continuation of family realm 065 035. Interaction with neighbours on alleyways 066 036. In-between space as a continuation 066 037. Plinths in alleyways 067 038. Spaces within the neighbourhood 067 039. Connections with the neighbouring communities 068 040. A point of multiple interaction 0 6 9 0 4 1 . The realm of the visitor 069 042. Public realm 070 043. Settlement of Wanathamulla 072 044. A centre of worship 075 045. The prominent cultural centre 076 046. A centre for communication 077 047. Shared family space 077 048. Extended family spaces 078 049. Strong territorial demarcations 078 050. A space for visitor entertainment 0 7 9 0 5 1 . The shared spaces in a settlement 0 7 9 052. Demarcated visitor realm 080 053. Interactable lanes 080 054. The changing public realm 081 055. The spontaneous settlement of panchikawatte 0 8 2 056. Masjeed Mawatha economy 084 057 . Extended community centres 085 058. Negative responses towards the settlement 086 059. Extended family territories 087 060. enlarged family spaces 087 0 6 1 . The dwellers foremost home 088 062. Adaptable spaces 088 063. Visitor entertainment in alleys 089 064. Neighbour interaction in alleys 089 065. Common elements for interaction 090 066. A potential space for interaction 090 067. A public thoroughfare 090 068. Visitor entertainment on streets 091 069. Dweller's positive contribution to the street 091 070. Potential spaces for public interaction 092 0 7 1 . Mobile outlets for the changing context 092 072. Public intervention in the neighbourhood 093 073. The community tap 093 074. Connection at Maradana road 094 075. Verge at Sangarajha Mawatha 094 076. Overlapping realms 095 077. Typical alleyways of Navagampura 096 078. Extended family and neighbourhood interaction 096 079. Lower and higher community interaction 097 080. Dimensional changes of Wanathamulla Dump 098 0 8 1 . Family, sub culture and visitor interaction in Wanathamula 098 082. Textural variation in Navagampura 1 9 * Lane 099 083. Alleyway type (I) at Panchikawatte 100 084. Alleyway type (ii) at Panchikawatte 100 085 Dimensional Variations in the Dump 100 086. Under-utilized spaces in Navagampura 101 087. Transitional space in a settlement 102 088. Changes in Saranapala Mawatha, Wanathamulla 102 089. Change of dimension through the settlement 104 090. The child's experience of centre 107 0 9 1 . Natural centre 108 092. Inter-community space in Wanathamulla 109 093. The chain of centres in Panchikawatta 110 094. The dynamic centre 111 095. An attitude change in the community 112 096. The directiveness of spaces 113 097. The changing dimensions 114 098. Visual connections with the neighbours 115 099. Futuristic motivations 115 100. The changes of light and shade towards direction 116 101 . The changing definitions 117 102. A basic definition of a centre 119 103. The natural impact on the settlement 120 104. Natural demarcations for the settlement 121 105. High walls as an addition to the settlement 122 106. The definitions of semi-private spaces 122 107. Eaves control light and shade 123 108. Topographical demarcations to domains 124 109. A play area and its domestic definitions 124 110. Economy changes with training 125 111 . Changing physical dimensions and economy 126 A K N O W L E D G E M E N T S T h e g r a t i t u d e o f m i n e is g i v e n to Prof . La i B a l a s o o r i y a t h e D e a n F a c u l t y o f A r c h i t e c t u r e , Prof . N i m a l D e S i l v a t h e H e a d o f A r c h i t e c t u r e d e p a r t m e n t . F u r t h e r it is e x t e n d e d to t h e y e a r m a s t e r s o f y e a r 5 A r c h t . V i d u r a Sr i N a m m u n i a n d A r c h t . R a n j i t h A l a h a k o o n of y e a r 6. M y d e e p e s t g r a t e f u l n e s s is o f f e r e d to Dr. S a m i t h a M a n a w a d u for b e i n g m y tutor, g u i d i n g t h r o u g h t h e w h o l e e n d e a v o r . T o m y c o l l e a g u e R a v i n for al l t h e a d v i s e a n d i n v a l u a b l e b o o k s tha t h e lent m e I s a l u t e e x t r e m e l y . I t h a n k all t h e r e s i d e n t s in W a n a t h a m u l l a , n a v a g a m p u r a a n d P a n c h i k a w a t t e s e t t l e m e n t s for all t h e h e l p g i v e n m e t o w a r d s t h e c o n s o l a t i o n o f this s tudy . T o m y b r o t h e r La i a n d s i s - i n - l a w S u s i m a for l e n d i n g m e the i r c o m p u t e r a n d al l o t h e r s o l a c e s , I t h a n k hear t i l y to t h e m b o t h . T o T a m m y I p r a i s e e v e n l y for b e i n g w i t h m e in al l d e s p a i r e n c o u r a g i n g m e to t h e u t m o s t . T o t h e s u p p o r t o f h e r p a r e n t s I w o u l d e x t e n d m y d e e p e s t a c k n o w l e d g m e n t . L a s t but not l eas t m y g r e a t e s t g r a t i t u d e is g i v e n to m y m o t h e r w h o s u p p o r t s m e al l w a y s in e v e r y s t r u g g l e . I f u r t h e r a c k n o w l e d g e m y la te f a t h e r a n d h o n o u r th is s t u d y for h is p e r s o n a g e . 1